Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fronds and Fantasy | A Tiger's Tale


  1. " Pride of the Forest."

    Nice hairy, I mean beautiful shadows on your backside. A very interesting photo.

    1. Thank you, Jeffrey.

      Jungly ferns,
      in sight and scent,
      stirred artist and animal,
      tattooed tiger in shadows.

  2. I tell you, your picture of late have been incredible! The fern print on your backside is so cool to see. As you know I love ferns. I picked a bunch one night and then used them as a fan, while enjoying a libation outside. Lets us find a bed of fern to lie a spell in shall we?

    1. Aye, you're such a 'frondly' fellow.

      No doubt you had one or two of your handsome staff wave your ferns for you?

  3. Do you have an assistant who helps you with the set-up of your pictures? If not, you do an incredible job of positioning yourself and the fronds perfectly with awesome shadows and light, and additionally, executing the best shot.

    Your "Haiku" -

    "Jungly ferns,
    in sight and scent,
    stirred artist and animal,
    tattooed tiger in shadows."

    is simply beautiful.

    1. Your kind words, Ginger Mickey, are greatly appreciated.

      The rhythm of my poetry (and I use the word loosely) would likely be frowned upon by the 'experts', but they're the words that speak the story of the picture, and I'm pleased you like them.

      No, I don't have an assistant. After years of practice I'm fairly proficient at finding my mark. It does take a few tries sometimes, which can be a problem in the understory; it's surprising how quickly the sunlight moves.
