Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Forty-one Winks



  1. And another reason I should be way out there, near anything. I could see this wildlife, and should I get close enough, I could pet and stroke it.

    1. It can be dangerous to wake a sleeping animal. However, I don't believe you'd get bitten here. You might get a good licking.

  2. Make that 42...I think your hole is winking at me.

    1. That was the wordplay in my title; forty winks for the nap, and one more from my hole. I'll happily add another to make your forty-two.

  3. My bad...I should have known, my fellow wordplay master.

    1. It's not your bad. You caught the wink - you're naughty.

  4. Oh, for the path not taken
    There, the one that leads
    To the lad in the glade
    Who's making
    A welcoming for me

    1. I could almost call this an early frost. Thank you for the poetry.

  5. Hi Tomass Hawkke, I've written lots of "nature-themed" homoerotic poems. I think you'll really like this one, titled "buzz-buzz" -- Best wishes, and Happy Friday! --Carl Miller Daniels

    1. You thought right, Carl, I like your poem. I enjoy the way you brush your work with an occasional botanical or entomological term, lending an artistic sparkle to science. Your blending of nature and eroticism, semen and lichen and moss, as you might imagine, is dear to me.

      I have visited your blog and read a few of your poems. You do a tremendous amount of work and there is much to discover. I'll visit often.

      Thank you for letting me know about this poem and for all the time you take to present a wealth of art and erotica with your blog.

    2. Hi Tomass,

      I'm blushing. And smiling. Thank you for your lovely comment. So glad you like that poem. So glad you're enjoying your visits to my blog. I'm sure enjoying my visits to your blog.

      Yeah, nature themes frequently show up in my poems. Based on what I see on your blog, I get the feeling that you definitely understand the eroticism to be found in nature, and in the way a hot naked man's body can interact, intermingle (even intertwine?), with what nature has to offer.

      Again, thank you for your sweet comment. And, again, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog, and hope you'll visit often.

      Best wishes, and Happy Friday!

