Thursday, May 16, 2013

Of a Delicate Nature

Early Blue Violet; Viola adunca

Early Blue Violet; Viola adunca


  1. Tomass,

    I love the pictures of the violet. They are so beautiful in the spring. I have so many of them, that they turn my front lawn into a beautiful carpet of purple and blue. Your setting for them in the wild is wonderful.

    Sandy McTavish

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sandy.

      There are large patches of the violets in the meadow, the flowers tiny and dainty, as well as scattered single flowers like purple and blue stars in the green.

      They challenge the woodland strawberry to be the first bloomers of the spring, and are a welcome sight.

  2. By the title of this I thought it was going to be about you. But no, just some pretty violets.
